ESL Conversation Lesson: Game Of Thrones And Traveling

Level: Pre- Intermediate, Intermediate
Time: 20-30min
Skills: Speaking, Listening, Vocabulary
Topic: Travel, Croatia, Northern Ireland, Iceland, Game of Thrones
PDF version for easy printing: ESL Conversation Lesson Game Of Thrones And Traveling


Warm-up Questions

  1. What do you know about Croatia?
  2. What do you know about Northern Ireland?
  3. What do you know about Iceland?
  4. Which of these countries would you like to visit?


Video by Unilad Adventure


  1. Which iconic scene mentioned in the video was shot in Dubrovnik?
  2. What is the name of the stunning coast in Northern Ireland?
  3. When was the rope bridge at Carrick-a-Rede first built and by whom?
  4. How long is the Icelandic canyon with a difficult name?
  5. Who is your favourite Game of Thrones character?
  6. Who do you think will claim the Iron Throne?


Match the adjectives 1-9 to their meanings a-i.

  1. imposing

  2. prominent

  3. spectacular

  4. diverse

  5. haunting

  6. narrow

  7. sheer

  8. unspoiled

  9. diehard

  1. less wide

  2. complete (used for emphasis)

  3. not touched by civilisation

  4. strongly devoted

  5. impressive in appearance

  6. beautiful in a dramatic way

  7. very different, showing a great variety

  8. staying in your thoughts for a long time

  9. something that can easily be se

ESL Communicative Activities

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How Can We Volunteer While On Holiday. ESL Group Work: Volunteer Holidays.

Level: Intermediate, Upper-Intermediate
Time: 30-45min
Skills: Speaking, Listening, Writing
Topic: Environment, Tourism, Volunteering
FREE PDF: Volunteer Holidays

A quick and easy ESL group activity on volunteering. It can be used as an additional resource when discussing the environment, tourism, volunteering.

  1. You can start this activity with some warm-up discussion questions.
  2. After that, put the students into groups of three(pairs also work) and let them plan the volunteer holidays.
  3. When they are ready, they present their ideas either in bigger groups or for the whole class.

Warm-up Questions

  1. What is voluntourism?
  2. Have you ever done any volunteer work?
  3. Why do people volunteer?
  4. What kinds of volunteer activities could you do in your home country or abroad?

Our communicative and vocabulary activities:







10 Websites To Make Your Lessons More Engaging And Fun

This is a list of my 10 favorite fun ESL/EFL websites which I regularly use when I want to spice things up a bit in the classroom, reward my students or give them some relax time.

These are all great for learning vocabulary, revising, they can be used in various projects, to promote reading, cooperation, creativity. There are soooo many things you can do with these sites, just use your creativity or get inspired by my tips.

1. Kahoot

With Kahoot, you can create various quizzes and games and if you’re in a bit of a hurry you can use its extensive library of quizzes. It has a number of quizzes on various vocabulary topics, grammar and many interesting topics such as history, geography, pop culture, trivia.
My tip: Have your students sign up at Kahoot and create their own quiz. You can assign them a topic based on what you’re currently studying in the class or let them choose their own topic. They love creating their own quizzes, especially those with insider jokes.

2. Baamboozle

I use this site mostly with my younger learners as it doesn’t have many higher level grammar or vocabulary quizzes.
My tip: put your students in teams (max number of teams is 4), choose a quiz and let them play the Classic mode with the power up, it’s much more fun!

3. Jeopardylabs

Everybody knows Jeopardy. So far, I was able to find any grammar or vocabulary revision quiz I needed. Lots of quizzes on many topics, but beware as the quality varies. You can create your own Jeopardy quiz and you can also assign your students a topic and let them create their own quiz to test their classmates’ knowledge.

4. Smartypins

This is a fun little Google game which can be used as a warmer, filler or a 5 minute activity when teaching travel, culture, etc.

5. Geoguessr

This is a similar site to now nonexistent Locate street (which I liked better). It uses Google Street View to drop you anywhere on the planet and you must guess your location based on vegetation, signs, people. It’s a funny way to teach the students about interesting and remote places. I sometimes use it as a reward, the kids love it. Tell them to sign up, it’s free and they will avoid the annoying pop up.

6. Merriam-Webster

I didn’t expect a dictionary website to be this entertaining. There are games, quizzes, videos. They are educational and fun and I love them.
My top picks: Name That Thing, there is also the Animal Edition of the game. You have 10 seconds to answer each question, 12 pictures and a lot of fun!
How Strong Is Your Vocabulary is also fun and you can repeat after a couple of months to see if your students’s vocabulary has improved.
Another game is a challenging puzzle which is described as “anagram puzzles meet word search.” This one can also be downloaded to mobile phone.

7. Etymonline

How often do you explain the etymology of the vocabulary you are teaching? I do it quite often as many English words come from Latin, Greek, French and it’s easier for the students to remember the words when they see how similar the words can be to words in their own language(this applies to European languages).

8. 5 Minute Mystery

As the name suggests, this site offers short, five-minute mysteries. Students have to sign up, it’s free and quick and then they can start sleuthing. Great activity for painless reading practice.

9. The Game Gal

Here you can find plenty of simple, family-friendly games. I mostly use the Word Generator for charades, pictionary and other games. The great thing is I only need my laptop and I project the words on the whiteboard, so the students don’t need computers.

10. Scrabble Sprint

Scrabble needs no introduction, so I’ll only say that this one’s fast.

Recently I posted another article about fun and useful ESL/EFL websites and it got a lot of hits. You can read it here:

My 10 Favourite ESL/EFL Resource Websites.

Check out our communicative resources.

ESL Vocabulary Activity. Forbidden Words: Health

Six page  ESL taboo vocabulary activity: Health.  60+ cards, more than 200 words.

Level: Pre-Intermediate, Intermediate, Upper-Intermediate
Time: 5-30min
Skills: Speaking, Listening
Topic: Health
PDF: Forbidden Words: Health


Free sample version: Forbidden Words_ Health Sample

Click on the picture below to buy our other communicative activities.

TED Talk ESL Video Lesson Plan: How To Grow New Brain Cells.

This TedTalk ESL video lesson is based on a  talk by Sandrine Thuret. In her talk she is asking two questions:

  1. How can we help our healthy brains create new nerve cells throughout our lives, through diet and behavior changes?
  2. How can we study the effects of diseases such as depression and Alzheimer’s on our brains’ ability to grow?

Level: Intermediate, Upper-Intermediate

Time: 45min.(video 11min.)

Skills: speaking, listening, reading

Topic: science, the human body

Ted Talk Lesson Brain Cells SW Ted Talk Lesson Brain Cells TN

Ted Talk Lesson Brain Cells SW




  1. What part of your body would you like to improve?

  2. If it was possible, would you rather enhance your body or mind?

  3. How can we improve our mental and physical abilities?


Read the sentences and try to work out the meaning of the underlined words/phrases.

  1. And this is especially new and true for spatial recognition –so like, how you navigate your way in the city.

  2. And they will have been helpful to add time to our memory and they will help differentiate very similar memories.

  3. But moreover, if you just block neurogenesis, then you block the efficacy of the antidepressant.

  4. “Sandrine, this is puzzling. Some of my patients that have been told they are cured of their cancer still develop symptoms of depression.”

  5. ………………..too much sex leading to sleep deprivation.

  6. Intermittent fasting — spacing the time between your meals –will increase neurogenesis.

  7. So Japanese groups are fascinated with food textures, and they have shown that actually, soft diet impairs neurogenesis, as opposed to food that requires mastication.

  8. Calorie restriction will improve memory capacity, whereas a high-fat diet will exacerbate symptoms of depression –as opposed to omega-3 fatty acids, which increase neurogenesis, and also help to decrease the symptoms of depression.

Match the words/phrases (1-8) to their explanations.

  1. spatial recognition

  2. differentiate

  3. efficacy

  4. puzzling

  5. deprivation

  6. intermittent fasting

  7. mastication

  8. exacerbate

  1. difficult to explain or understand

  2. chewing

  3. period of eating and not eating over a defined period

  4. to show or find the difference between things that are compared

  5. the lack or denial of something considered to be a necessity

  6. make something that is bad even worse

  7. understanding where things are in relation to other things

  8. the ability to produce the desired result


Watch the video and answer the questions.

  1. How do we call the phenomenon when adults grow new nerve cells?

  2. How many neurons does an average person produce per day?

  3. Why did patients who were cured of their cancer still develop symptoms of depression?

  4. Does learning increase or decrease the growth of new neurons?

  5. What type of food and drinks should we consume if we want to increase the growth of our neurons?

Click on the picture below to buy our communicative activities.

ESL Vocabulary Activity Based on Taboo: Food


ESL Taboo Cards:Food and Kitchen

Level: Pre-Intermediate, Intermediate, Upper-Intermediate
Time: 5-30min
Skills: Speaking, Listening
Topic: Food
PDF: Forbidden Words: Food

Six page PDF vocabulary activity. 60 cards, more than 200 words.

Free sample version: Forbidden Words Food Sample


Click on the picture below to buy our other communicative activities.

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