This fake news lesson plan is based on one of the fabulous teaching resources created by EAVI. EAVI is a non-profit organization based in Brussels. They work to empower individuals to be active, engaged citizens in today’s increasingly challenging media environment. When teaching news and media vocabulary, one has a…
Category: Teaching Ideas

12 Useful ESL Websites and Blogs That Inspire Me
Here is a list of 12 useful ESL websites that inspire me. Blog de Cristina Cristina’s blog offers a vast array of resources including listening tasks, discussion topics, grammar and vocabulary exercises, various lesson plans and many other activities. ESL Brains A group of teachers creates video-based lessons mostly for…

ESL/EFL Resources: Worksheets, Lesson Plans, Communication Activities and Games
Our new ESL/EFL resources are now available at our shop. Check our our bundles of vocabulary activites, role-plays or communication activities. If you want to save even more money, share our products on social media or refer to a friend for even more discount. These two activities are our most…

ESL Video Lesson Based on Netflix Docuseries “The Mind, Explained”
This ESL Netflix video lesson plan is based on “The Mind, Explained” docuseries that answers the questions about our brains. What is going on inside my head? How does memory work? Why do I dream? The show has six episodes: Memory, Dreams, Anxiety, Mindfulness, Psychedelics. Each twenty-minute episode explains the…

Balderdash: ESL Speaking Game
Balderdash is a word bluffing game in which you write definitions for weird words. The definitions may or may not be correct. The ESL variation of the game is played very similarly. The PDF which you can download below, contains words that are balderdash, or nonsense. At least they seem…

Improvisation Cards: ESL Speaking Activity
This is a very simple improvisation ESL activity that promotes speaking and helps develop improvisation skills and creativity. Print the worksheet and cut the cards. There are two types of cards: unfinished sentences/questions, and crazy/funny/unusual objects. Put the cards into two separate piles. Put the students into pairs or groups…

ESL Reported Speech Speaking Activity: Gossip
This is a fun ESL/EFL reported speech speaking activity which I like to throw in when the students start to feel tired and bored by the theory and dull practice exercises. It is a great activity to energize them while practising reported speech in the most natural way – gossiping….

47 Interactive and Online ELT Resources for Teachers
This extensive list contains 47 interactive and online ELT resources that can help English teachers save a ton of time when preparing for lessons. ELT Resources: SPEAKING 1. BBC Learning English The site is sponsored by BBC and its divided into these topics: General & Business English Grammar, Vocabulary &…

ESL Video Lesson Plan: Stand Up Comedy With Shayne Smith And The Prisoner of Azkaban
STANDUP VIDEO LESSON PLAN WARM-UP QUESTIONS What do you think about people who have a lot of tattoos? Do you have any tattoos? If not what tattoo would you like to have? What do you think about body modifications? (piercing, implants, scarification) Have you ever got looks from strangers because…

What? When? Where? Asking Questions ESL Activity
ESL speaking activity to practice asking questions. Explain the activity. Emphasis that they can only ask questions, they can’t explain the words or give synonyms. Explain that students will get a point for every word that they guess. At the end, the pair with the highest number of points wins…