Do You Want to Learn ESL? You’re on the Right Track; Find Out Why


English is, in most cases, known as a worldwide language. The main reason behind this is that it’s the most commonly spoken language globally. More than 1.55 billion people globally speak English, either as their native or second language.

Additionally, it’s the official language of more than 100 states. Due to all these reasons, English has become the international business language. It’s used in all industries, including:

  • Technology
  • Science
  • Education
  • Law
  • Communication
  • Manufacturing, and more.

When you think about the effect of English on multiple industries, you will understand why most people are searching for this term; “the best ESL Tutor near me.” From enhancing career opportunities to enabling clear communication among people with different language backgrounds, learning English as a second language offers numerous benefits, which include the following.

ESL is Useful in Everyday Life

Your location doesn’t matter. English skills will only increasingly become crucial in everyday life. Whether you want to purchase groceries, navigate a huge city using a map, find the right train or bus stop, or get a prescription at a pharmacy near you, English will help you significantly.

Due to technology, you can communicate with people both far and near you. With a good English trainer, you can significantly enhance your speech, writing, and reading, making you a more valuable employer or employee.

English is the Language of Business

The world doesn’t have a language. However, English is one of the common communication forms used globally. Learning English as your second language can significantly enhance your learning potential.

It’s true that the future of business lies in a worldwide economy, and an increasing number of businesses currently requires workers to communicate in English.

The latest trend is to conduct every business in English since the economy spreads from local to global. So traders and consumers must find a perfect way to communicate, and that is none other than English.

Enjoy Travel Experiences

If you learn English as a second language, you provide yourself with the opportunity to travel anywhere in the world, allowing you to interact with other people as you learn about different cultures.

This will not only stretch your cultural awareness but also provide you with the opportunity to access many memorable travel experiences that you mightn’t have.

You will discover more about everything that makes your culture unique. Also, you’ll find some possible similarities in other states.

People who travel a lot acquire plenty of skills and knowledge, making their perspective unique. Don’t miss the great opportunity to travel around the world and experience new cultures.

Significantly Boost Your Confidence

The initial stages of learning English as a second language may pose a great challenge, just like any other course you may enroll in. But once you master the language, you’ll speak it boldly.

When learning anything, you should be ready to make mistakes. These mistakes are like a ladder to the next level. As you advance, you’ll want to avoid them completely, and this is where perfection comes in.

Practicing and being ready to take risks until you improve is key. You should always be appreciative of trying, even when you make mistakes. You will establish confidence in your new language-speaking abilities. Also, you’ll face anyone you meet with a lot of confidence since you can speak a language they understand.

By taking risks, practicing, and showing your body and mind that there aren’t massive consequences, you will feel more confident in handling all of your fears as well as taking risks so that you can easily accomplish your goals.

You’ll Not Get Lost in Translation

English is quickly becoming a vital tool for media consumption. The majority of online resources are available in English, which means learning and understanding the language provides you with the opportunity to participate in online:

  • Communities
  • Discussions
  • Forums

This is another perfect way to enhance your English skills, and you’ll no longer rely on subtitles and translations to enjoy your favorite films, TV shows, songs, books, and more.

Most translations usually lose their initial meaning. Reading or watching an untranslated version can help you quickly understand the initial intent of the content creator.

Learning ESL is a Great Exercise for Your Brain

Scientists have already proven it! Learning ESL can enhance your brain power significantly. This has numerous cognitive benefits, including;

  • Better problem-solving skills
  • Increased creativity
  • Sharper memory

Bilinguals not only have an excellent understanding of global cultures, but they can quickly and easily grasp complex concepts. Also, these individuals fare excellently with executive function.

These are brains that help people plan and solve issues. As bilinguals attain higher bilingualism degrees, they tend to become more resistant to Alzheimer’s disease and dementia symptoms.

Final Thoughts

Learning English might be a long journey. However, it’s well worth it. Learning English as a second language can allow you to:

  • Travel to new places
  • Advance your career
  • Make new friends, and more.

With the right training platform and trainer, you can be sure to learn English as a second language quickly, easily, and without a huge price tag.

Future Conversation Questions for Engaging Student Discussions: Future Perfect, Future Continuous, Future Simple in the ESL Classroom

If you’re an ESL teacher, you know that getting students to practice speaking is a top priority. One way to do this is by using future conversation questions that focus on future tenses (future simple, future perfect, and future continuous). In this blog post, we’ll dive into why using these types of questions can be a game-changer for ESL students and the overall importance of speaking activities.

Practicing the future tenses, especially in conversation, can do wonders for students’ ability to express their plans and predictions and understand what others are saying. Using conversation questions in class gives students the chance to put their knowledge of the tenses into practice in a natural setting. This helps them improve their fluency and confidence when speaking.

Another perk of using conversation questions is that it helps with vocabulary acquisition. As students discuss their future plans, they’re exposed to new words and phrases that they can add to their vocabulary. Plus, it’s a great way for students to see the tenses in action and understand how they’re used in real-life situations.

Using future conversation questions also promotes critical thinking and problem-solving skills. Students have to think about their plans and predictions and make decisions about what they’ll say. This type of practice helps prepare them for real-life conversations where they’ll need to think on their feet and respond to new information.

But the benefits of speaking practice go beyond just the future tenses. When students are speaking, they’re actively using the language and this helps solidify their understanding of grammar and vocabulary. Plus, speaking activities give students the chance to hear native speakers, which can improve their listening skills and accent.

Overall, using the worksheet Future Conversation Questions is a fantastic way to get students to speak and improve their language skills. But it’s important to remember that speaking activities should be used in combination with other methods like reading, writing, and listening activities. And it’s important to create a comfortable and safe environment for students to speak in, where they feel encouraged to take risks and make mistakes.

Looking for more conversation activities? Try 120 Conversation Starters!

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  1. What are some of the things you hope to have accomplished by the end of this year?
  2. How do you think your life will be different once you have completed all of your goals?
  3. How do you think your relationships will have evolved by the time you reach a significant anniversary?
  4. What do you think will be humanity’s greatest achievements in the future?
  5. What new places will you be visiting next week?
  6. How do you think your perspective on life will have changed by the time you turn 30?
  7. What do you think will be the biggest challenges facing companies in the future?
  8. How do you think people’s lives will have been impacted by major construction projects by the time they are finished?
  9. What do you think will be the most important issues facing politicians in the future?
  10. How do you think music will have evolved by the time the next concert season starts?
  11. How will you be spending your summer vacation?
  12. What do you think will be the most exciting developments in your field of work in the future?
  13. How do you think people’s leisure time will be spent in the future?
  14. What topics will you be discussing with your friends tomorrow?
  15. What do you think will be the most talked-about events in the world in the next few years?
  16. How do you think our economy will be performing in the next decade?
  17. What will you be doing at this time next year?
  18. What do you think will be the most significant challenges facing society in the next decade?
  19. How do you think technology will have impacted the way we live our lives by the end of this century?
  20. How do you think you will feel once you have reached a certain milestone in your career?
  21. What are some of the things you think will have changed in the world by the time you’re ready to retire?
  22. How do you think education will have evolved in the future?
  23. What do you think will be the biggest breakthroughs in science and medicine in the next 20 years?
  24. How do you think travel will have changed by the time you’re ready to retire?
  25. What will you be doing this time on Sunday?

Other useful resources:

Conversation Questions: Future Tenses

Online ESL Video Lesson : Can Sci-fi Predict the Future?

Travel ESL Conversation Questions

Conversation Questions Conditionals: ESL Speaking Activity

Conversation Questions: Present Perfect and Past Simple

Modal Verbs Conversation Questions, Use, and Examples

Icebreaker Questions for ESL Classroom

Icebreaker questions are a great speaking activity that can be used not only at the beginning of the new school year but whenever there is a need for a warm-up activity, group speaking activity, pair work, or a quick fun speaking activity.

This speaking activity contains 20 icebreaker questions for teenagers and adult learners. (16+, B1+).

The slideshow can be used as a resource for online teaching, just share your screen on Zoom or other app when teaching online. Click on the full screen option in the top right corner of the slideshow and your whole group can discuss or if you want to use the activity in smaller groups, assign your students into breakout rooms and send them the PDF with the conversation questions before your lesson. During the lesson, pop into the breakout rooms to listen in and observe.

Other speaking activities:

Conversation Questions Passive: ESL Speaking Activity

ESL Negotiation Role plays: 12 Real-life Situations

ESL Exam Speaking Picture Description and Questions

Taboo Card Games: Food, Health, Nature

Conversation Starters: 30 Interesting Conversation Questions Not Only For ESL Students

Two Conversation Activities

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Icebreaker Questions

1. What food do you love that a lot of people might find a little odd?

2. If you could start a charity, what would it be for?

3. What topic could you give a 20-minute presentation on without any preparation?

4. Who is the most interesting person you’ve met and talked with?

5. What do you wish someone taught you a long time ago?

6. What subjects should be taught in school but aren’t?

7. What kind of challenges are you facing these days?

8. What do you highly recommend to most people you meet?

9. What was the last thing you were really excited about?

10. What does your perfect breakfast look like?

11. What are some of your favorite holiday traditions that you did while growing up?

12. If you could choose your dreams, what would you prefer to dream about?

13. What tells you the most about a person?

14. When is the most interesting period in history?

15. What is the best event you’ve attended?

16. What do you wish was illegal?

17. Would you ever try space tourism, if you had the money for it?

18. What are you grateful for?

19. What skill or talent would you most like to learn?

20. What culture would you like to learn more about?


The questions for this activity are used with the kind permission of C.B. Daniels of Conversation Starters World.

Online ESL Video Lesson : Can Sci-fi Predict the Future?

Can science fiction predict the future? Let’s find out it this ESL video lesson.

  1. What do you think of when you hear sci-fi? What do you associate it with?
  2. Do you like sci-fi? Why?
  3. What is your favorite sci-fi movie or book?
  4. Do you think that science fiction writers need to know a lot about science? Why?

  1. Which inventions predicted by sci-fi writers were mentioned in the video? Can you add any other example?
  2. What do you think about the future of:
  • Artificial intelligence
  • Self-driving cars
  • Androids
  • Cloning
  • Colonizing space
  • Climate change

3. If you were a sci-fi writer, which topic would you choose to write about and why?

Other ESL video lesson plans:

Speaking activities:

Balderdash speaking game

Conversation topics

Conditional discussion questions

Picture-base speaking activity

Role-plays on science

Fake news lesson plan

Role-plays based on real-life situations

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