This speaking and listening activity consists of a video warm-up activity and food conversation questions. As a warm-up activity watch this video on the 15 best foods around the world. Have students take notes on each food as they watch. What is it made of? How was it prepared? Where…
Tag: esl discussion questions

20 Fun Discussion Questions for (Not Only) the ESL Classroom
I don’t know about your corner of the world, but here in Central Europe summer has arrived with full force. It’s scorching hot. I finally understand the 3-hour siesta they have in some countries. Who would want to move, or think in this heat? So I cut my students some…

Popular ESL Conversation Topics for English Practice
This activity for adults and teenagers contains five ESL conversation topics and fifty conversation questions. It starts with everyone’s most favorite topic: Tell me something about you. People love to talk about themselves, so let them! You can also watch this interesting Ted Talk about being ourselves. If you love…

Phrasal Verbs Activity and Exercises, Conversation Questions and PDF Worksheet
I sometimes watch, or more accurately, watched (because Covid) Netflix with friends. We always use English subtitles, as my friends want to improve their English. Sometimes they ask me to translate a word or a phrase, sometimes I don’t mind and sometimes it bothers me. But my lack of patience…

ESL Video Lesson Based on Netflix Docuseries “The Mind, Explained”
This ESL Netflix video lesson plan is based on “The Mind, Explained” docuseries that answers the questions about our brains. What is going on inside my head? How does memory work? Why do I dream? The show has six episodes: Memory, Dreams, Anxiety, Mindfulness, Psychedelics. Each twenty-minute episode explains the…