Fun and easy-to-use back to school activities 1) Learn your students’ names New class, new faces, new names – a mess. This back to school activity has saved me multiple times. You can learn 30 new names in minutes, kids have fun and they painlessly learn new adjectives. Start by…
Tag: tefl

Balderdash: ESL Speaking Game
Balderdash is a word bluffing game in which you write definitions for weird words. The definitions may or may not be correct. The ESL variation of the game is played very similarly. The PDF which you can download below, contains words that are balderdash, or nonsense. At least they seem…

ESL Video Lesson Plan: Stand Up Comedy With Shayne Smith And The Prisoner of Azkaban
STANDUP VIDEO LESSON PLAN WARM-UP QUESTIONS What do you think about people who have a lot of tattoos? Do you have any tattoos? If not what tattoo would you like to have? What do you think about body modifications? (piercing, implants, scarification) Have you ever got looks from strangers because…

What? When? Where? Asking Questions ESL Activity
ESL speaking activity to practice asking questions. Explain the activity. Emphasis that they can only ask questions, they can’t explain the words or give synonyms. Explain that students will get a point for every word that they guess. At the end, the pair with the highest number of points wins…