This ESL simulation activity is for a group of four students, B1-B2 level, 15+ age. I find it’s best to use this activity after teaching crime vocabulary, and after teaching some basic concepts of peer pressure, argumentation, and manipulation. What I like about this activity is that the character cards…
Tag: ESL

Picture Based Speaking Activity For ESL/EFL Classes
I got the idea for this ESL picture speaking activity after we came across a well-known photograph in our textbook, and I was surprised how many students didn’t know it. Sure, young people are overwhelmed with photos all day long. Take Instagram for example, but it is usually photos of…

Group Activity For ESL/EFL Classes: Famous Stories With A Twist!
My students love creative activities, especially the younger kids and teenagers are always thrilled when we play a game or do some acting. I did this activity with students from 14 to 19 years. It was always a success. The best thing is, there is almost no prep and you…

Picture Prompts for Speaking and Writing: An ESL Activity
Picture description activities can be rather boring after some time and it occurred to me that usually, the pictures are not very creative. I came up with an idea of how to spice it up a bit. The picture prompts for speaking and writing in this activity are unusual, imaginative…

ESL Picture Description: Exam Skills Practice
I put together picture prompts on different topics that can be used when practicing general speaking with your students or preparing them for various certificates and exams. I will later add more resources on different topics. Download the PDF >>>>ESL Picture Description: Exam Skills Practice Similar resources ESL Picture Storytelling…

Play and Learn! Kahoot: A Free Learning Platform.
Are you tired of marking vocabulary and grammar tests? Do you want to revise vocabulary and chunks of grammar quickly? Do you want to engage your students? Do you want to have data about your student’s performance in neat Excel sheets readily available for you? Do you want to play…

The Importance Of Being a Relaxed Teacher.
Work-life balance has been a buzzword for quite some time now, and I can’t stress enough how important in the teaching profession it is not to work. If you want to be healthy, efficient, good at your job and happy at the same time, you have to learn to let go….

Holiday Is Over, Back To Work ESL Teacher!
It’s been a while since I posted an article, created a worksheet or did anything even resembling work. Why? I needed a reboot. I love my work, the creativity of it, the relationships with my students that it brings, BUT, in order to enjoy it all and to be able…

Vocabulary Posters – Idioms and Collocations.
I have neglected my blog in the past couple of weeks, mostly due to my duties at the school where I teach. Staff meetings, entrance exams, school leaving exams, paperwork…and at the end of the day, no energy for creativity, or even thinking. Hopefully, I will have more time in…

Bean Boozled in ESL Classroom: A Funny Way to Warm Up, Engage And Motivate Your Students.
Who doesn’t like jelly beans? Most kids love them. Why not use that love for them in your classroom? I’m sure most of you know the naughty version of Jelly Beans- Bean Boozled. It is a game which features a spin wheel and 14 different flavours of the jelly beans….