This is a very simple improvisation ESL activity that promotes speaking and helps develop improvisation skills and creativity. Print the worksheet and cut the cards. There are two types of cards: unfinished sentences/questions, and crazy/funny/unusual objects. Put the cards into two separate piles. Put the students into pairs or groups…
Tag: esl group work
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ESL Reported Speech Speaking Activity: Gossip
This is a fun ESL/EFL reported speech speaking activity which I like to throw in when the students start to feel tired and bored by the theory and dull practice exercises. It is a great activity to energize them while practising reported speech in the most natural way – gossiping….
ESL Games
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6 Fun Activities Exhausted ESL Teachers Will Appreciate At The End Of The Term
I have one more week of teaching ahead of me. Three more weeks of work. There is more paperwork now than actual teaching. The kids can smell the summer holidays in the air and it shows. The teachers can barely hide how exhausted they are. And it’s hot. Scorching hot….