Fun and engaging online activities for your ESL/EFL classes.
Category: Articles

You Are A Teacher If…
You find humor in other people’s stupidity.
You want to slap the next person who says “Must be nice to work 8 to 3:20 and have summers free!

ESL Teaching Idea: Class Speaking Activity
Engaging speaking activity for upper intermediate and advanced students.

The Importance Of Being a Relaxed Teacher.
Work-life balance has been a buzzword for quite some time now, and I can’t stress enough how important in the teaching profession it is not to work. If you want to be healthy, efficient, good at your job and happy at the same time, you have to learn to let go….

Holiday Is Over, Back To Work ESL Teacher!
It’s been a while since I posted an article, created a worksheet or did anything even resembling work. Why? I needed a reboot. I love my work, the creativity of it, the relationships with my students that it brings, BUT, in order to enjoy it all and to be able…

Online Vocabulary Activity With Pictures.
I want to share with you a fun activity which I found on the website of the Merriam-Webster dictionary. It is called Name That Thing, and that is exactly what you do. They show you a picture of an everyday object or a part of it and you have to choose…

28 ESL/EFL Conversation Starters to Spark Conversation
There are not enough conversation questions in the resource universe to satisfy the needs of an average EFL/ESL teacher. We need more, more! Especially, when you teach one-on-one, the search for good questions can be excruciating. I put together 28 questions which can help the conversation to get going. Some…

Make Game Quizzes For ESL Lessons
My younger students are very competitive and playful, and I love that about them. It is great to see that they are engaged and immersed in the activity, that they are having fun; and that they don’t even realise they are learning. I am always in need of new resources,…

Media/Entertainment Vocabulary Card Game Based on Taboo.
As I mentioned in one of my previous posts 3 Board Games You Can Use In The Classroom, I love using games with my students and Taboo style cards are one of my favourite ways of revising vocabulary. The last downloadable pdf worksheet covered Travel&Holidays for Intermediate and Upper Intermediate…