Vocabulary activity game. Download the game here: Compound nouns dominoes Places Other vocabulary resources: Travel/Holiday Vocabulary Cards Useful Classroom Tip: Vocabulary Revision Business English Vocabulary Card Game | Forbidden Words Media/Entertainment Vocabulary Card Game Based on Taboo.
Tag: vocabulary

Useful Classroom Tip: Vocabulary Revision
Whether you teach large classes or small groups, revising vocabulary in a quick and simple way is always useful, especially when its all done by the students – all you have to do is to give them instructions, circle and monitor.

Binge-Watch and Improve Your English: 5 Great TV Shows Available On Netflix
I love movies and TV shows and I always recommend my students to watch as much in the original language they can, to use English subtitles, to watch YouTube videos, TED talks, to immerse themselves in the language as much as they can. Nowadays, hundreds of movies and TV shows…

Vocabulary Posters – Idioms and Collocations.
I have neglected my blog in the past couple of weeks, mostly due to my duties at the school where I teach. Staff meetings, entrance exams, school leaving exams, paperwork…and at the end of the day, no energy for creativity, or even thinking. Hopefully, I will have more time in…

Online Vocabulary Activity With Pictures.
I want to share with you a fun activity which I found on the website of the Merriam-Webster dictionary. It is called Name That Thing, and that is exactly what you do. They show you a picture of an everyday object or a part of it and you have to choose…

Business English Vocabulary Card Game | Forbidden Words
Forbidden Words is a game card activity based on Taboo. The aim of the game is to explain given words, but without those words that you would most likely use because those are taboo – that means, you can’t use them. The simplicity of this game allows for endless variations…

ESL Role Play Worksheet: Travel/Holidays
There is no such thing as enough role play activities and worksheets! I’ve recently gone over Travel vocabulary with my Intermediate and Upper Intermediate students and I love doing these speaking activities at the end of the lesson. In my previous article, I included my own version of the Taboo card game on the…

Those Cute Little Pugs Used To Be Harlots.
These little fellows are adorable monkeys indeed. At least that was the meaning of the word in the 17th century, and it also meant harlot for some time. Miniature dog came to use only in the mid 18th century.

Grammar isn’t that boring as it may seem.
Do you want to cast spells like Harry Potter? You don’t even need a wand. All you need is proper grammar!