This is a great ESL group speaking activity (16+/adults, intermediate/upper intermediate). It covers various topics: education, jobs, communication. It teaches the students to co-operate, voice their opinion, it fosters creativity and gives the students enough room to make their own decisions and maintain a certain level of independence. It is…
Tag: speaking

Conversation Questions Conditionals: ESL Speaking Activity
Conversation Questions Conditionals: First, Second, Third Conditional First Conditional Second Conditional Third Conditional Download here>>>>>Conditionals Speaking Activity Other speaking activities: ESL Speaking Activity: Business English Role Plays No-prep Speaking Activity: Warmer And Filler For ESL Classes 32 Inspirational And Creative Job Interview Questions For ESL/Business English Students ESL/EFL Speaking Activity:…

No-prep Speaking Activity: Warmer And Filler For ESL Classes
This is a quick no-prep activity that can be used as an ice breaker or a regular activity. Students usually like to talk about themselves and maybe boast a little so this activity is quite popular. At the beginning of the lesson, ask them to pull out their mobile phones…

32 Inspirational And Creative Job Interview Questions For ESL/Business English Students.
Great speaking activity for older students when teaching jobs, or for adult students in Business English classes, or for your one-to-one lessons. These questions are everything but boring and I can guarantee that they will spark interest in your students. The questions are real interview questions compiled from different websites….

ESL/EFL Speaking Activity: Role Play Debate
I do a lot of speaking activities with my older students. We do a lot of simulations, discussions, role plays, games, etc. and this ESL debate is one of them. One of the activities I do is an argumentative debate where they can utilize everything they’ve learned, and another great…

Will Your Students Steal A Car?: ESL/EFL Simulation Activity
This ESL simulation activity is for a group of four students, B1-B2 level, 15+ age. I find it’s best to use this activity after teaching crime vocabulary, and after teaching some basic concepts of peer pressure, argumentation, and manipulation. What I like about this activity is that the character cards…

Picture Based Speaking Activity For ESL/EFL Classes
I got the idea for this ESL picture speaking activity after we came across a well-known photograph in our textbook, and I was surprised how many students didn’t know it. Sure, young people are overwhelmed with photos all day long. Take Instagram for example, but it is usually photos of…

Picture Prompts for Speaking and Writing: An ESL Activity
Picture description activities can be rather boring after some time and it occurred to me that usually, the pictures are not very creative. I came up with an idea of how to spice it up a bit. The picture prompts for speaking and writing in this activity are unusual, imaginative…

ESL Picture Description: Exam Skills Practice
I put together picture prompts on different topics that can be used when practicing general speaking with your students or preparing them for various certificates and exams. I will later add more resources on different topics. Download the PDF >>>>ESL Picture Description: Exam Skills Practice Similar resources ESL Picture Storytelling…

5 Apps To Learn English Without Knowing It
There are 2.2 million apps in Android store and 2 million in Apple’s App store. I’m sure a huge number of those apps is useles, but you can also find there plenty of helpful, entertaining of educative apps. Here’s a simple infographic of 5 apps I’ve been using with my…