Game cards based on Taboo.
Category: Worksheets

Picture Prompts for Speaking and Writing: An ESL Activity
Picture description activities can be rather boring after some time and it occurred to me that usually, the pictures are not very creative. I came up with an idea of how to spice it up a bit. The picture prompts for speaking and writing in this activity are unusual, imaginative…

ESL Picture Description: Exam Skills Practice
I put together picture prompts on different topics that can be used when practicing general speaking with your students or preparing them for various certificates and exams. I will later add more resources on different topics. Download the PDF >>>>ESL Picture Description: Exam Skills Practice Similar resources ESL Picture Storytelling…

Business English Vocabulary Card Game | Forbidden Words
Forbidden Words is a game card activity based on Taboo. The aim of the game is to explain given words, but without those words that you would most likely use because those are taboo – that means, you can’t use them. The simplicity of this game allows for endless variations…

Media/Entertainment Vocabulary Card Game Based on Taboo.
As I mentioned in one of my previous posts 3 Board Games You Can Use In The Classroom, I love using games with my students and Taboo style cards are one of my favourite ways of revising vocabulary. The last downloadable pdf worksheet covered Travel&Holidays for Intermediate and Upper Intermediate…

At The Restaurant: ESL Pair Work and Role Play Lesson.
Not everyone can cook, but we all love food. It is a perfect conversation topic and even the shy students usually come out of their shells (seafood pun) when you ask them about their favourite food. Food is everywhere now, popular TV shows made home cooking fashionable, food blogs with…

ESL Role Play Worksheet: Travel/Holidays
There is no such thing as enough role play activities and worksheets! I’ve recently gone over Travel vocabulary with my Intermediate and Upper Intermediate students and I love doing these speaking activities at the end of the lesson. In my previous article, I included my own version of the Taboo card game on the…

3 Board Games You Can Use In The Classroom.
I love playing games. My students love playing games. You can learn a lot by playing games and it is so much fun. It is a total win-win and what is best, it doesn’t require any preparation. You just grab the game and off you go, revising vocabulary, improving communication…