We want to teach our students real-life skills, don’t we? It sure is nice to read Shakespeare and discuss metaphors, but it is not what our ESL/EFL/EIL (or whatever you call it) students need. They need to practice their speaking skills in a way which resembles real-life situations as closely…
Category: Worksheets

ESL Reported Speech Speaking Activity: Gossip
This is a fun ESL/EFL reported speech speaking activity which I like to throw in when the students start to feel tired and bored by the theory and dull practice exercises. It is a great activity to energize them while practising reported speech in the most natural way – gossiping….

ESL Video Lesson Plan: Stand Up Comedy With Shayne Smith And The Prisoner of Azkaban
STANDUP VIDEO LESSON PLAN WARM-UP QUESTIONS What do you think about people who have a lot of tattoos? Do you have any tattoos? If not what tattoo would you like to have? What do you think about body modifications? (piercing, implants, scarification) Have you ever got looks from strangers because…

TEDtalk Video ESL Lesson Plan: What Makes Something Go Viral
ESL lesson plan based on TEDtalk: What makes something go viral. It deals with the Internet, social media and technology. And BuzzFeed.

TED Talk ESL Video Lesson Plan: How To Grow New Brain Cells.
This TedTalk ESL video lesson is based on a talk by Sandrine Thuret. In her talk she is asking two questions: How can we help our healthy brains create new nerve cells throughout our lives, through diet and behavior changes? How can we study the effects of diseases such as…

ESL Picture Storytelling Activity
ESL picture storytelling activity Level: Pre-Intermediate, Intermediate, Upper-Intermediate Time: 5-15min. Skills: speaking Topic: travel, environment, stories, relationships, art Download the PDF here. This storytelling activity is suitable for various levels because students create their own stories using the vocabulary and grammar they feel comfortable using. At the same time, they can show…

I’ve Told You Once, I’ve Told You a Thousand Times, Resist Hyperbole.
A little activity using funny grammar rules.

ESL Game Compound Nouns Dominoes: Town and Countryside
Vocabulary activity game. Download the game here: Compound nouns dominoes Places Other vocabulary resources: Travel/Holiday Vocabulary Cards Useful Classroom Tip: Vocabulary Revision Business English Vocabulary Card Game | Forbidden Words Media/Entertainment Vocabulary Card Game Based on Taboo.

ESL Pair Work Activity: Teenager Issues
This speaking activity deals with the everyday teenager issues. Warm-up (10-15m) Put the students in pairs and let them brainstorm the problems and conflicts young people might have. When they are finished, put them into groups of four and let them discuss the problems in more detail. What causes these problems? What…

ESL Speaking Activity Worksheet: Business Plan
My students loved this speaking activity. It is fun, it is competitive and it kept the students engaged for a loooong time. It is easy to use, just print the worksheet and you are ready to go. Download the FREE PDF Worksheet>>>>>>Business Plan Worksheet Try also some other activities and…