It’s June, the most wonderful month. For students, but mostly for teachers. We really need that break. Here are a couple of end of school activities that will help with that, But before you start sipping that cocktail by the pool, have some fun with your students if you can….
Category: Teaching Ideas

15 Back to School Activities: Icebreakers, Warm-ups, and Energizers
Fun and easy-to-use back to school activities 1) Learn your students’ names New class, new faces, new names – a mess. This back to school activity has saved me multiple times. You can learn 30 new names in minutes, kids have fun and they painlessly learn new adjectives. Start by…

Fluent English: Effective Tips on How To Speak Fluently
One of the most common struggles of every English learner is the struggle to speak fluent English. We all strive to speak confidently and naturally and fluency plays a major role in achieving this. Many times learners of English even prefer fluency to accuracy. Students often don’t mind making a…

Conversation Questions: Future Tenses
The focus of this activity is to practice grammar while speaking. These conversation questions with future tenses will help the students better understand when to use various future tenses. When we want to talk about the future we can use these tenses/structures: We can use the Present Simple when we…

Role-play Scenarios for ESL: Discussing Different Topics and Situations, Even Vaccination!
What is a role-play scenario? Role-play is any speaking activity when you either put yourself into somebody else’s shoes, or when you stay in your own shoes but put yourself into an imaginary situation, also called a scenario! I put together my favorite role-play scenarios and speaking activities which I…

Engaging Online Teaching: ESL Activities and Games
Here are a couple of ideas for online teaching ESL activities and games that can be assigned to students so they can work independently as well as used during your video meeting. 1. Artist in your own home Students have to take 10 photos of anything they consider beautiful. You…

ESL Communication Activity: Science Role-Plays
Communication Activity: Science Role Plays. Download this free PDF worksheet with three role plays discussing controversial opinions on vaccination, cancer treatment and so-called chemtrails.

No Time? 10 No-prep ESL Activities, Warm-ups and Energizers
Sometimes I don’t have time or energy to print extra resources or activities. Some days, like today, the printer in my office runs out of ink, the printer in the common area is jammed and while two colleagues are trying to repair it, I quietly leave to copy some activities…

Digital and Online Teaching Resources for Teachers Who Teach English from Home
I put together a list of free digital and online teaching resources, or resources that now offer premium features for free, that might be useful now when many teachers are overwhelmed by the sudden shift to online teaching, for which many of us aren’t prepared due to the consequences of…

10 ESL Netflix Shows to Watch With Your Students
Video lessons are an engaging and fun way to teach vocabulary, grammar, listening and culture to various age groups and levels. However, sometimes you just want to use an interesting video as a filler or a discussion material without any preparation. Sometimes there is no time for printing the lessons…