You’ve probably come across a couple of articles that shared
some funny grammar rules such as:
“Verbs has to agree with their subjects.”
“Don’t overuse exclamation marks!!!”
I found the original list written by William Safir and published
in 1979 in the New York Times.
Years later they were shared on the internet and became a sort of a meme.
The rules are funny and brilliant, and I think they can be used in any
ESL/EFL class as perfect examples of common grammar mistakes.
So here’s a little activity that you can do with your higher level students.
Download the worksheet>>>Funny Grammar Rules Activity
Other resources:
ESL Communication Activity: Science Role Plays
ESL Game Compound Nouns Dominoes: Town and Countryside
ESL Pair Work Activity: Teenager Issues
ESL Speaking Activity Worksheet: Business Plan
ESL Speaking Activity: Conditional Discussion Questions