Learn vocabulary by explaining the definitions. Careful, you can’t use some words, they are forbidden!
Christmas Forbidden Words Card Game.
Category: Inspiration
Advent Calendar for ESL Students: 24 Ideas To Make Your Lesson Even More Fun!
Who Doesn’t Like Christmas?
This is my twist on a traditional advent calendar.
You will need a Christmas stocking, 24 slips of paper and your creativity!
Fluent English: Effective Tips on How To Speak Fluently
One of the most common struggles of every English learner is the struggle to speak fluent English. We all strive to speak confidently and naturally and fluency plays a major role in achieving this. Many times learners of English even prefer fluency to accuracy. Students often don’t mind making a…
Fun Vocabulary Posters For ESL/EFL Students
Vocabulary posters: Weather Idioms, Animal Idioms, Personality Adjectives.
Group Activity For ESL/EFL Classes: Famous Stories With A Twist!
My students love creative activities, especially the younger kids and teenagers are always thrilled when we play a game or do some acting. I did this activity with students from 14 to 19 years. It was always a success. The best thing is, there is almost no prep and you…
Binge-Watch and Improve Your English: 5 Great TV Shows Available On Netflix
I love movies and TV shows and I always recommend my students to watch as much in the original language they can, to use English subtitles, to watch YouTube videos, TED talks, to immerse themselves in the language as much as they can. Nowadays, hundreds of movies and TV shows…
The Importance Of Being a Relaxed Teacher.
Work-life balance has been a buzzword for quite some time now, and I can’t stress enough how important in the teaching profession it is not to work. If you want to be healthy, efficient, good at your job and happy at the same time, you have to learn to let go….
Holiday Is Over, Back To Work ESL Teacher!
It’s been a while since I posted an article, created a worksheet or did anything even resembling work. Why? I needed a reboot. I love my work, the creativity of it, the relationships with my students that it brings, BUT, in order to enjoy it all and to be able…